Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Adding to the knowledge, not the bulk

And mind me with each step I am more certain
Everything will turn out fine
I have confidence the world can all be mine
They'll have to agree I have confidence in me

~ lyrics from I have Confidence in me, The Sound of Music ~

This blog is completely out of order, but this event was impactful enough that it had to be posted...
Having just attended the welcome reception for the new PhD students, I feel a little overwhelmed and maybe a little energized. No, the better word is inspired. This does not mean that the presentation was not weighty, overwhelming and somewhat daunting. 
It just says that one of the points made in the presentation stuck with me. That point was that we, as PhD. students, can produce one of two types of theses: (1) one that adds to the bulk of theses or (2) one that adds to the knowledge of our area and adds to the world of business as well. I feel inspired to be one of the latter. I feel energized to add to the knowledge and not to the bulk.  I want to, after his discussion, make a (dare I say it …) ‘significant’ contribution.
So on the one hand I want to do well, and want to add something  (here is that word again) ‘significant’ to the body of knowledge but then he also spoke about all these other things that did make me think twice about whether or not I had what was needed to be successful in this endeavour.
For instance, the personality traits that I would need to be successful were itemised. Indeed, nothing was sugar coated. I understood that it would be a long, lonely road, where I will often have to look to myself for motivation and drive. But I also understood that it could be achieved, if I was open minded, listened to those who were there to help me and stood firm and focused.
I start this journey with some trepidation but I also start it with a determination that I must succeed.
Ahhhhh (not a scream but a sigh) …
It’s so scary to think that you start something and can’t finish it. It takes a high level of confidence to be absolutely certain that no matter what comes your way you will overcome, persevere and shine. Although you can’t always be too sure, you shouldn’t always be too cocky, because sometimes a good dose of nervousness not only keeps you humble but it keeps you on your toes.  
...What's next?


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