Tuesday, 8 October 2013

First ...

~By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is bitterest.~

One definition of reflection according to the Merriam Webster dictionary is a thought, idea or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation.
I would like to believe that through this blog, I will share the thoughts, ideas and opinions I form after I reflect on my many experiences but I am sure that is not what it will always be. Granted, sometimes I will; I will let you know exactly how I feel and what I learnt from an experience. But there will be times when I will leave it up to the reader to make their own decision, create their own ideas and learn their own lessons.
I also do not anticipate that I will focus on any one area of my life. This blog will not focus on my experiences as a teacher or musician (can I say that about me?) or my experiences as a female, but rather, it will be a muddle of the many experiences no matter what sphere of my life they come from.
But what prompted little ole' me to start a blog? 
What should be an easy answer isn't always, but the simplest answer to that question is: I decided to do a PhD. I decided that if I wanted to be successful in my chosen field it would be necessary for me to have a PhD behind my name. Almost at the same time I decided that if I was to have this qualification, there was no way I was going to be able to pay for it.
So maybe I will have a focus, but that focus will be on what has happened since that momentous decision and the ensuing experiences.
This was first... What's next?


  1. Well Tara, I have read them all and I must say they are very interesting. I will be following and reading. Expect separate comments.
