My writing process isn't a very organized thing~Chuck Palahniuck~
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewrite and bleed
~Ernest Hemingway~
I cannot count the number of times I have sat in front of
this computer's keyboard, with a number of academic papers scattered next to me,
in folders, across the desk and on the floor with various notes in the margins;
papers attached with further notes and a lot of thoughts swimming around in my
mind and said … I know what I want to say BUT … ARGH!!!!
But wait Tara … Haven’t you done everything? Laid out a
structure for the chapter, done all the reading, know what the major points
are, who said them, who reiterated them, who disagreed with them, and what it
is that needs to be said, what the story of your chapter is? So why in goodness
name is nothing moving from your mind to the damn screen? I hate staring at a
screen with no words on it… JUST WRITE!!! How many times have I heard that? … come on Tara you know what you want… you
KNOW IT … you have READ IT… you know your perspective, that is in your notes …
SO WRITE THE DAMN THING!!! ARGH!!!! What’s the holdup … honestly?
There are some days that knowing the deadline you are
working towards and the number of words you need to write per day to meet that deadline
just do not help when nothing moves from mind to paper. This being a prime
example, rather than writing my chapter, I had to take a few moments out to
just get all of this negative energy and stuff that is stopping me … out!! But
what exactly is it? I feel like I am fighting through a mire of my own making… It is just fear, I know that; I do not want to acknowledge it, but the
overwhelming fear of not meeting the deadline, not writing what is important
and missing something significant or just being substandard can be
immobilizing. Sometimes even knowing what routine works for me and applying
and/or just trying something different to see if that sparks anything are just
not enough to get past the fear.
Well here I go again … off to the literature review (a
couple thousand words yuh know) that scares the living daylights out of me.
Let’s see if something that makes sense comes out this time.
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